Das Berlin Brandenburg Coworking Festival ist da!

Das Berlin Brandenburg Coworking Festival ist da!
von einem Roboter übersetzt

Coconat ist stolz darauf, beim Berlin Brandenburg Coworking Festival dabei zu sein.

Dieses Jahr war unser Team maßgeblich an der Organisation des gesamten Events beteiligt und auch wir selbst haben einiges vor!

Probiere Coworking bei Coconat aus!

Für unsere Freunde aus der Region: Hast du schon lange darauf gewartet, das Coworking bei Coconat auszuprobieren? Jetzt ist die Zeit zum Ausprobieren! – Kostenlose Coworking-Probe für eine Woche! Details hier

Mach mit beim Gespräch über die Zukunft von Arbeit und Leben. Stell dir vor, wie KI, XR und Autonomie am Arbeitsplatz unser Leben in 10 Jahren verändern werden! Details hier

Coconat ist stolz darauf, zusammen mit fast 30 anderen Unternehmen das Coworking zu feiern. Ob es nun darum geht, Freiberuflern und Arbeitnehmern mehr Autonomie zu geben, Platz für weniger Autos auf den Autobahnen zu schaffen, einen Raum zu bieten, in dem sich Gleichgesinnte gegenseitig unterstützen, oder eine Kleinigkeit wie die Gestaltung der Zukunft selbst – Coworking Spaces sind wirklich am Puls von New Work und gestalten auch die Zukunft.

Ich hoffe, wir sehen uns nächste Woche mit lächelnden Gesichtern!

Weitere Informationen über das Festival findest du hier

Der Sommerkalender ist da!

Hallo ihr Lieben!

Natürlich bist du jederzeit willkommen, aber wenn du auf der Suche nach einem kleinen Extra bist, das dich aus dem schönen Fläming herauslockt, dann wirf einen Blick auf unser Sommerprogramm!

Coconat ist stolz darauf, in diesem Sommer Partnerschaften für Social Change, Sustainable Living und Harmonious Team Retreats einzugehen, ganz abgesehen von unserem eigenen Angebot an Speisen und Getränken. Schau es dir an!

What’s it like to work at Coconat

Communications Officer – The Rabbit

Job Overview

Coconat stands for Community and Concentrated work in Nature. 

Positive Impact is our Mission.

Our purpose: Inviting. Inspiring. Inventing sustainable stuff.

Coconat is impact driven company, which combines workation, coworking, coliving, a maker’s space, and special projects on rural development. Coconat is an open and diverse community, where everyone can pursue their aspirations. The goal is an inclusive and inspiring environment for all people.

We are hiring an experienced Communications Officer for our first ideration of The Rabbit – Games Developers Residency. If you’re dedicated and ambitious, Coconat is an excellent place for you. Don’t hesitate to apply.

Responsibilities for Communications Officer

  • Develop, write and edit marketing and communications materials, including press releases, blog posts and social media content
  • Promote communications and marketing materials through appropriate social channels
  • Track analytics and create reports detailing successes and failures of communications campaigns
  • Ensure that all communications and marketing material aligns with brand standards
  • Maintain digital media archives including photos and videos
  • Work with communications team members to conceptualize and implement communications strategies and campaigns
  • Respond to media inquiries and perform media outreach to achieve brand placement in publications

Qualifications for Communications Officer

  • 2+ years prior experience in a communications or marketing role
  • Fluent German and English
  • Understand the best practices of main social media channels including Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, etc
  • Must possess exceptional writing skills and be able to compose engaging and accurate content
  • Strong communicator who works well independently and with a team
  • Superior time management skills and the ability to juggle multiple projects simultaneously
  • Knowledge of Adobe PhotoShop, InDesign, and Illustrator is an asset
  • Understanding of communications, public relations and marketing best practices
  • Ability to think strategically and identify ways to improve communication efforts
  • Must be resourceful and take initiative even when given minimal direction


  • Develop and implement communications materials for Video Game Developer Residency at Coconat, together with Project Developer, Julianne Becker
  • Create and manage creation of content for Marketing and Social Media
  • Coordinate with graphic designer for creation of swag and other materials
  • Coordinate with documentation team and post content.


Part-time, mostly remote possible, full-remote not possible.
January-March: planning prep
April: Residency month
May: Report

payment is 20€/hour – before tax (average compensation in Germany is 15-20€/hour)

Expected work time – 160 hours
Work-time expectation is negotiable, hourly rate non-negotiable.

Extra Coco Benefits:

•   Free Coworking Membership with all Coconaut Club Member benefits.

•   All Coconat staff members are welcomed to every meal that is served while they are on shift; breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Our meals are vegetarian by default food, vegan upon request.

•   Reduced food rate whenever you are not working (€5 per meal).

•   Enjoy our special wellness offer at staff-member discount rates for:

•   Sauna (€20 for two hours).

•   Massages (50% discount).

•   Free access to Coconat’s yoga and meditation room.

•   Access to our natural pool.

•   Enjoy Special overnight and drink rates for friends and family.

•   Free of charge Access to our Other facilities: Maker-Space, Video Editing suite, Remise, and Remise Kitchen.

The Rabbit is proudly supported by:

Project Manager – The Rabbit

Job Overview

Coconat stands for Community and Concentrated work in Nature. 

Positive Impact is our Mission.

Our purpose: Inviting. Inspiring. Inventing sustainable stuff.

Coconat is impact driven company, which combines workation, coworking, coliving, and special projects on rural development. Coconat is an open and diverse community, where everyone can pursue their aspirations. The goal is an inclusive and inspiring environment for all people.

We are seeking to hire a seasoned Project Manager for ‚The Rabbit‘, Coconat’s first games developer residency, . If you’re a passionate self-starter, Coconat will be a great place for you. Don’t hesitate to apply.

Responsibilities for Project Manager

  • Determine timeline based on the pre-defined project objectives
  • Predict resources needed to reach objectives and manage resources in an effective and efficient manner
  • Work with defined budget based on scope of work and resource requirements
  • Track project costs in order to meet budget
  • Develop and manage a detailed project schedule and work plan
  • Provide project updates on a consistent basis to various stakeholders about strategy, adjustments, and progress
  • Manage contracts with partners, participants, and service providers by assigning tasks and communicating expected deliverables
  • Monitor progress and make adjustments as needed
  • Measure project performance to identify areas for improvement

Qualifications for Project Manager

  • 2-3 years project management and related experience
  • Fluent German and English
  • Background in event/workshop execution
  • Interest of experience with games development a plus
  • Proven ability to solve problems creatively
  • Strong familiarity with project management software tools, methodologies, and best practices
  • Experience seeing projects through the full life cycle
  • Excellent analytical skills
  • Strong interpersonal skills and extremely resourceful
  • Proven ability to complete projects according to outlined scope, budget, and timeline


  • Organize first Video Game Developer Residency at Coconat, together with Project Developer, Julianne Becker
  • Secure partners, jury, participants, workshop providers
  • organize the hosting of 15 participants for one-month with programme
  • care for budget and writing final report


Part-time, mostly remote possible, full-remote not possible.
January-March: planning prep
April: Residency month
May: Report

payment is 25€/hour – before tax (average compensation in Germany is 23€/hour)

Expected work time – 280 hours
Work-time expectation is negotiable, hourly rate non-negotiable.

15/week15/week15/week25/week20/report and finalizing

Please Submit CV and letter of interest to Julianne@coconat-space.com

Extra Coco Benefits:

•   Free Coworking Membership with all Coconaut Club Member benefits.

•   All Coconat staff members are welcomed to every meal that is served while they are on shift; breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Our meals are vegetarian by default food, vegan upon request.

•   Reduced food rate whenever you are not working (€5 per meal).

•   Enjoy our special wellness offer at staff-member discount rates for:

•   Sauna (€20 for two hours).

•   Massages (50% discount).

•   Free access to Coconat’s yoga and meditation room.

•   Access to our natural pool.

•   Enjoy Special overnight and drink rates for friends and family.

•   Free of charge Access to our Other facilities: Maker-Space, Video Editing suite, Remise, and Remise Kitchen.

The Rabbit is proudly supported by: