Work and Lifestyle Evolution (Vision Quest Bar-Camp)



15:00 - 17:00



Work and Lifestyle Evolution (Vision Quest Bar-Camp)

Take part in a ‘Vision Quest-Bar Camp’, a platform for participants to collectively speculate on future scenarios where individuals have the freedom to explore the world and life/work spaces by leveraging tech advancements, seamlessly moving between urban & rural environments, or slow travel far away.

Let’s revolutionize the way we live; imagining a world where AI automates routine tasks, XR transforms the way we communicate and collaborate, and workspace autonomy liberates individuals from the constraints of presence. We explore the implications of these advancements on our daily lives.

-Hopeful imagination of future, spring points offered and ideas soar – guilt free world exploration, experience not exploitation – future of life

-Participants gain insights into potential disruptions, challenges, and opportunities, allowing them to adapt and prepare for the evolving landscape.

-These collaborations can lead to joint projects, shared resources, and cooperative initiatives that enhance the services and offerings of participants

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