Wanted – Smart Mobility Project

Living in the countryside is great, but mobility in rural areas is, well…not.

We would love to use digitalisation to improve mobility here in the Hoher Fläming region, one hour south-east from Berlin. The innovative project would be part of the Smart Village project and would be hosted by the Coconat.

There is a very promising grant coming up which supports rural mobility-projects with up to €200.000 and a deadline of April 1st. AND – There is a information event on Thursday, March, 7th 2019, 1pm-3:30pm at the Regionale Planungsgemeinschaft Havelland-Fläming in Teltow, we are happy to share information.

The project should be around using digital solutions for mobility infrastructure-sharing, i.e. fuel & e-cars, push, electric, & cargo-bikes, and/or skooters, shared taxis, and car-pooling. There are great interested potential partners like Bürgerbus Hoher Fläming, Fachdienst Verkehrsmanagement des Landkreis Potsdam Mittelmark, lokale Carsharing Initiative, pampa mitfahren App, drivey and Coconat.

For the project development we would not pay a financial allowance so it´s only interesting if you love to be part of solving the serious mobility problem in the country-side and willing to play a (then paid) role in the later project. If you are exited about taking a central part in an exiting new project please contact janosch@coconat-space.com.

