WIGWAM :: sommer akademie

Für Wigwam ist klar: Kommunikation kann unsere Gesellschaft zum Besseren verändern. Die Herausforderungen auf dem Weg dahin sind so vielfältig, wie die Strategien und Maßnahmen dahinter. Und oft ist auch die Kommunikation innerhalb des Teams ein Aspekt, der besser laufen könnte.

Mit dem von nun an regelmäßig stattfindenden Fortbildungsformat der sommer akademie möchten wir euch dabei unterstützen, klar kommunizieren zu lernen – sowohl als Organisation als auch im Team.

Wir bieten dir:

  • Eine 3-tägige Weiterbildung zu wesentlichen Bausteinen strategischer Kommunikation
  • 8 Trainings zu unterschiedlichen Kommunikationsthemen und -tiefen sowie ein Barcamp
  • Ein festes Team von Expert*innen vor Ort, welches dir auch abseits der Workshops für individuelle Fragen zur Verfügung steht
  • Eine Gruppe von max. 30 Teilnehmer*innen
  • Kleingruppen mit 3 bis 4 Personen für persönlichen Austausch und Praxistransfer nach den Prinzipien der Selbstorganisation
  • Abstand vom Alltag mit Coconat, um dich ganz auf dein Potential und das der Gruppe konzentrieren zu können

Du bist hier richtig, wenn:

  • Du Kommunikationsexpert*in bist oder es werden möchtest – egal ob in einer Organisation tätig oder als Selbständige*r
  • Du Faktenwissen sammeln und Methoden selbst ausprobieren willst
  • Du dich ergänzend zu Experten-Trainings auch in selbstorganisierten Kleingruppen erfahren möchtest
  • Dir angeleitete Selbstreflexion Spaß macht, du mehr darüber lernen möchtest und andere darin unterstützen willst
  • Du gerne viel draußen bist, gutes Essen schätzt und Lust hast, neue Menschen kennenzulernen


Bleibt immer auf dem Laufenden über unsere Webseite, das sommer akademie Facebook-Event sowie über den sommer akademie Newsletter!

Hier kannst du das Infoblatt zur sommer akademie herunterladen.

Creative Chef

Head Creative Chef for our retreat near Berlin

Coconat Workation Retreat is a new hotel and coworking concept in the countryside one hour by train from Berlin. Coconat is a location for creative workers to concentrate, work and relax. We have been open since May 2017.

We are searching for an experienced chef de cuisine to establish Coconat as a culinary destination. You will create the menu, source regional produce, manage three meal shifts daily and interact with guests.
The menu should combine local and international influences with a creative twist. This requires an experienced, organized and proactive chef with original ideas and a cost-conscious manner. You should be especially enthusiastic about vegetarian cuisine.

The restaurant should compliment the concept of the retreat, which provides guests with the perfect combination of relaxation and creative productivity.

Coconat’s location is in a renovated historic manor house in the village of Klien Glien near Bad Belzig, 90km south-west of Berlin, reachable by the RE7 train direct from the city and airport. The kitchen already serves our overnight guests, and on the weekends provides for a small cafe. In the future we would like to develop more for local guests and tourists, as well as catering.

The following aspects are required:
– Completed apprenticeship as a cook
– Several years experience as chef de cuisine
– Certifications preferred
– Personal initiative, engagement and creativity
– Budgeting and stock management experience
– Teamwork and communication skills
– English and German language skills
– Drivers’ license a plus

There are 4 ways in which Coconat can imagine to work with a Creative Chef

  • Join our 3 month ‘Chef in Residence’ programme
  • Hire as an employee
  • Rent out the kitchen to an external business
  • Incorporate the Creative chef into the company through shares


Are you feeling inspired? Want to join our dynamic and adventurous team in creating an amazing destination that is already spoken of far and wide?

Send us the following application documents to janosch@coconat-space.com.
– Personal letter
– Curriculum Vitae with evidence of experience
– Certificates from present or previous employers

We can’t wait to hear your ideas!

Brandenburg/Berlin A Love Affair

Coconat is proud to partner with more than 10 Coworking Spaces in Berlin!

Our partnership goes both ways. Whether your home is in Berlin or Brandenburg,
your coworking community is there.

Members of all participating Berlin spaces receive a reduced rate of €10/day, or the cost of coworking at Coconat.
Our local members, from the Bad Belzig region, are also able to pop into the city spend the day at any of our partner spaces*!

Everyday I wake up…

…to the sound of birds and maybe a distant tractor in the fields.

…to the nesting pigeons and the hum of the city outside.

I jump in the train, knowing when I exit…

…I’ll breathe the fresh and walk amongst the endless trees with hawks above.

…I’ll breathe in the scents of the world’s kitchens and be energized by the vibrancy of all the people.


AHOY!    betahaus    co.up    Impact Hub Berlin    JuggleHUB    raumstation    Space Shack    St. Oberholz    Tuesday Coworking    welance

*Some restrictions may apply.


Chase those Winter Blues away

Join us for in Klein Glein for Hot Mulled Wine, Grilled Sausages, Winter walks and maybe even some Ice-Skating!
Of course you can always cozy up by the fire inside too.

(please let us know if you plan to come so we have enough for everyone!)

21 January 2017

Community in the Country – HTW Master’s Students weigh in

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by Julianne Becker


For 6 weeks I worked with a group of students who all share a passionate vision of working together to leave this world better than the way we found it. I had the privilege of harnessing this energy to focus it on the social ambitions of Coconat.


We dove head first into the world of social enterprise, with speakers from Imagine Cargo and Fahrwerk Kurierkollektiv, Wikimedia, Solidrinks, and non-profit working on various projects related to the Economy for Common Good.


The goal of all of this was to push forward with the social goals of Coconat. To use our sustainable business as a Launchpad for engaging the rural community in which we would be operating. We developed ways to engage the people who would be our neighbors.


What was great is that we all agreed that the best way to develop any project was to do it with the community we would be working with. They worked for 4 weeks on the ideas for engaging the elders and the youth of the community, finding ways for those groups to work together, but always with the caveat that ‘we need to talk with them about what THEY want’ before making any concrete plans though.


Really looking forward to presenting the ideas they came up with, and refining and reworking them with the community of Klein Glien and the greater Bad Belzig area. The final ideas included creating an informal social space – opening up the café/bar, sharing ideas – sharing knowledge, skills, cars, and equipment, and a community theatre project.


We’ll keep you updated about which of these will be fully realized with our new neighbors!

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