The Rabbit

Games Developers Residency

The Rabbit, Coconat’s one-month residency for independent video games developers, offers teams the perfect place for inspired concentrated work. Go down the rabbit hole of developing immersive games worlds to share with us all.

If you’re one of the selected teams, you will be invited to join The Rabbit, and take part on the full programme for free! Programme is supported by Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg.

Coming April 2022!


During your 4 weeks at Coconat, our delightful manor house in the German Countryside, you will work on your games of your dreams.

Make a demo, a Crowd-funding build, finalize your a release! Live in the Manor-house, work in the Salon, our shared work-space and game-making Lab. Experts from the game industry will visit to share and learn. 

Build your audience

During your stay, you’ll get the chance to build your fan-base early. We’ll publish videos so your global  supporters can follow your development.

You can expect workshops, skill-shares, testers, inspirational excursions, all while living with full room and board at the fabulous Coconat, just outside of Berlin!

Call for applications coming soon!

The application process includes sending us your game pitch as a video, combined with a summary of you/your team, and what you would like to achieve with one month of focused work in The Rabbit programme.

We look forward to international and local Berlin/Brandenburg applicants, and expect to create a very mixed group of individuals and teams. This is the first time The Rabbit will be held.

Join the Team!

The Rabbit is looking for a great team to get it hoppin’!

Work together with co-founder Julianne Becker as:

Project manager

Communications Officer

Graphic Design

Top 10 people who NEED a Workation!

Stuck finding that perfect gift this year? We near the end of 2021 and the time for the gift-giving season is upon us. After struggling with the enormous ups and downs of the last 2 years, the creative juices may just feel empty when trying to think of what to give your special people.

I truly believe in what we do here at Coconat, offering a place in the countryside where people from all walks of life can sit down to focus on their work and projects. Individuals can show up and instantly plug into the place and culture here, to get their head in the game.

What is a Workation?

Space to focus, structured days (including breaks), talk over ideas with new perspectives, breathe some fresh air in the forests, animal encounters, a quick swim, working in a hammock, chill in the library with piles of books you brought with…the list goes on and on… After nearly 5 years, Coconat is ready to host most.

So, who needs a workation the most?

Is your friend a…

  1. PHD Student – They are trying to wrap their head around a proposal to enter on a years long journey cracking a new code in their field. – or – They just need to finish that last revision, after over a year of revisions, they need to breathe life back into what they know is important work. They want to get their work publisher ready. Help them join the many an academic who include Coconat as a part of the way.

  2. Author – Oh the books that have been worked on here at Coconat. Join the Coconat book club. Story-telling is easy done here, whether you need to lick yourswelf away in your room for days on end, only coming out for a freshly prepared meal and COFFEE, or you rather set up shop outside in the open air, you will find the spot.

  1. Start-up – Find a classic coworking culture, where people are genuinely curious and supportive of each-other. Pitch an idea, offer or take part in a skill share, soon you can even develop a prototype in our Coco-lab. No matter the type of business, a few days away and focused on your dream is always gonna be a blessing.

  2. Filmmaker – This region is ripe with filmmaking talent, so a filmmaker will never feel alone here. Our Coconat Film Residents* are here 20 weeks in the year, our editing suite is up for use, regular meetings – whether a Stammtisch or mastermind – are held where industry insiders give support and advice to each others projects. Heck, we should have our own Netflix category soon!

  3. Podcaster – Where storytellers and the digitally literate hang out, the podcaster is ever near. Develop your story plan for the coming year, record in our developing podcast room, edit in our editing suite, record the sounds of nature in the middle of the forest – whatever your subject, you will find your place in or around Klein Glien.

  4. Fashion Designer – What is that you say? Yeah, we said it – Fashion designers welcome soon! With the opening of the Coco-lab, fashion designers can work in our centuries old field-stone barn at one of the machines. There are always a few fashionistas about, and always people keen to see some physical creative works!

  1. Game Developer – Well, who can best work in a digital manner other than a game developer? Plus they may even time their stay with our coming gamer’s retreat, The Rabbit, check it out this spring.

  1. Music Producer – Can’t say what it is about the place, but music is always happening. In the library the digital prowess of which we speak is about a different kind of key – and our ivories are tickled on a regular basis. Improvised studios have popped up all over the Coconat premises, and there are some secret places with very large keys which might just elevate your next project!

  1. CEO/Director – Maybe it is time to take your organization to another level, to develop a new focus, to get back in touch with purpose. Coconat is not shy from hosting leaders of organizations and companies big and small.

  1. You! Well, if you don’t see yourself listed about, but still what to check it out – you know there is nothing stopping you from giving yourself the gift of time and space to focus on what you have been wanting to work on – New year’s resolutions are just after Christmas you know? 🙂

Check out our vouchers here!

Coco-Gift Certificates!


Coconat is honored  to be a part of your gift giving this year!

To create a gift certificate for you, we do need the following information:

  • Type of Gift Certificate, please choose:
    • Amount the Gift Certificate should be for
    • Which gift package you would like to give
      Have a look at the options listed below
    • Create your own package with a Coconat representative.
      for this option, here is a pricing guide to get you started
  • Name of recipient
  • your billing address

Gift Package Options:

Package 1: Coco-Sprint for one – 98.90€

  • Two days one night in a Single Room 
  • Full board*
  • Coworking, inclusive coffee, tea and snacks

Package 2: Coco-Focus for one – 197.80€

  • Three days two nights in a Single Room 
  • Full board*
  • Coworking, inclusive coffee, tea and snacks

Package 3: Three days Coco-Focus + Relax for one person – 197.80 + €individual amount for wellness**

  • Two nights in a Single Room 
  • Full board*
  • Coworking, inclusive coffee, tea and snacks for two ppl
  • Wellness Coupon for yoga, sauna or massage, **please arrange with our booking team

Package 4: Team work for 2. – 489.60€

  • Three days two nights in Double or Twin Room
  • Full board*
  • Coworking  (inclusive coffee, tea, and snacks)
  • private meeting room

Package 5: 1 week for one – 581.50€

  • Six days seven nights in a Single Room with en-suite toilet
  • Full board*
  • 1 week Coworking (inclusive coffee, tea, and snacks)

The Gift Certificate is valid for three years. 


Your Coconauts

* 2x warm meals, 1x breakfast



COCONAT. – A workation retreat

Klein Glien 25   D-14806 Bad Belzig

TELEPHONE 9:00 am till 5:00 pm: 

+49 (0)33841 44 82 99 

Fläminger Kreativsause 2021

The Fläminger Kreativsause goes into the third round from August 9-15, 2021!

For one week, the knowledge festival invites you to a diverse workshop program in which creative knowledge is imparted and new things are created together. Here, digital and analogue crafts are made, traditions inspire innovation and urban influences meet rural ones.

10 June Deadlines

KREATIV CAMP – EARLY BIRD TICKETS – €110 for whole week!!!

Stay the whole week at Coconat as part of the Kreativ Camp! Includes Campsite at Coconat Glien, catering, joint activities, social program, and community events and networking with other locations.
More info and registration here.

Workshop and Event Applications Open Now!

Have a great idea or skill to share? Apply to be a part of the programme.
Limited funding available to support media and journalism themed workshops.
More info and application here.

See you there!

Corona info and Guidelines

Please bear with us in these always changing times. We will always follow the laws and guidelines for travel in our area. We will keep you informed of our current guidelines and ask that all guests abide by the heath guidelines of our community.

Current guidelines

Status: 2 May 2022 

We always adhere to the current infection protection principles and Hygiene rules of the state of Brandenburg and have combined the standards of hotel, restaurant and offices. You can find the complete health and hygiene concept here. 

Our rule: 3G+

Our plus means that you can show a negative test upon arrival or take one with us. The rule applies to everyone. 

  • EVERY OVERNIGHTGUEST (including vaccinated and recovered guests) is asked to provide a negative test or proof of it less than 24 hours old. If you cannot present a negative test, you can buy a quick test from us for €5 and test yourself on arrival. 
  • Masks are NOT mandatory anymore. Anyways we still appreciate it if you wear a mask. 
  • Please wash your hands thoroughly before using shared items. This is especially true for those who come into contact with food or drink. 
  • Please remember to ventilate the common rooms vigorously once an hour. This is especially true in the co-working rooms. 

What if someone shows symptoms?

If you or someone in the house feels unwell, go to the reception and let the day manager know, if they are not there, let the community manager know.

We will immediately provide you with a quick test for no charge.

If your test is Negative – please still take extra care to cover your mouth and nose, to keep 1.5 meters distance, and to wash your hands thoroughly and often. We will ask you to take a daily test until your symptoms subside, we will speak about a fair price for the quick tests, or inform you where to buy tests or receive free testing in the region.

If your test is positive – We will also take care of contacting the medical authorities, arranging a PCR test, etc.

From there we will follow the advice and guidelines of the health authorities.

 No cancellation fees apply when…

… our region becomes a hot-spot and we are not allowed to accept new visitors.

… your plane or train reservations have been cancelled and you have no alternative way to arrive.