COCONAT Summer Games!

COCONAT Summer Games!

The Coconat team makes beds, taps beer, and polishes whiteboards to high gloss … so we are not bored. But sometimes you just wanna get some dirt under your fingernails… and there is still much to do.
So, from Saturday 19th August to Friday 31st August, everything is about painting and building.

In March and April we put the common rooms on to the top, now we finally tackle the duhn duhn duhn –  hotel rooms:

• We want to clean the sleeping rooms in the west wing of all COLOR CRIMES

• We would like to paint the windows, so that pesky rain stays out!
• Great furniture shall by built! (e.g., upcycling lamps and shelves)

Few things satisfy better than a day of sweaty work, yet this is not all:

Please tell us ( as soon as you can, tell if and how long you want to be there and whether you plan some of your own projects.

All the best,

Your country bumpkins!

