COCONAT Summer Games!

COCONAT Summer Games!

The Coconat team makes beds, taps beer, and polishes whiteboards to high gloss … so we are not bored. But sometimes you just wanna get some dirt under your fingernails… and there is still much to do.
So, from Saturday 19th August to Friday 31st August, everything is about painting and building.

In March and April we put the common rooms on to the top, now we finally tackle the duhn duhn duhn –  hotel rooms:

• We want to clean the sleeping rooms in the west wing of all COLOR CRIMES

• We would like to paint the windows, so that pesky rain stays out!
• Great furniture shall by built! (e.g., upcycling lamps and shelves)

Few things satisfy better than a day of sweaty work, yet this is not all:

Please tell us ( as soon as you can, tell if and how long you want to be there and whether you plan some of your own projects.

All the best,

Your country bumpkins!

VOLUNTEER :: Community Manager (part-time)

Your adventure in the countryside

The Coconat crew is looking for a motivated person to join us on-site as our new Community Manager!
Maybe it’s you?!

What we are looking for:

  • Highly motivated people
  • Really have to be a team player and an independent thinker who is quick to tackle new challenges
  • Interested in future of work / coworking in the countryside / permaculture / upcycling…
  • Openness and pleasure in building community – both with our ever growing team and with the public
  • Availability to live on-site for at least 1 month.
  • Some German language ability is a big plus!

What we offer:

  • Three meals a day, plus snacks, coffee, and tea
  • Accommodation (shared with other ColivingX-ers)
  • Free use of coworking facilities
  • Freedom to develop and create your own projects here at Coconat
  • And of course being an integral part of the Coconat Family

What the job entails*:

  • Preparing for and welcoming new guests
  • Being the main point of contact for guests
  • Developing and leading community building activities
  • Some service oriented tasks, like preparing for meals and serving drinks and food
  • 20 hours/week for Coconat, the rest for your own projects and interests

*The volunteer position has been temporarily modified, and includes more cleaning tasks than in the past. Anyone arriving in 2020 will have get the updated expectations through a phone call or email contact. We are in a very flexible mode at the moment, and will search for people who are able to be flexible as well.

What now?

🙂 send your CV and a letter of motivation to

Thank you and Welcome to Coconat!

Dear Friends,

Over the last few years Coconat has grown from an idea to a reality. It is more than a beautiful manor house and park in the German countryside, it is a living project made up of the community who calls it home.

All of the hands who have touched Coconat, all of the projects developed here, all of the people who come to focus on their own work, are what make this place breathe with life and evolve everyday. Welcome to Coconat!

This Saturday, at 2pm, 29 April 2017,

we open our doors in celebration.


We are going full out in true Coconat Style. Music, food, art and artists, from Berlin and the Bad Belzig region, will move our feet, fill our bellies, and feast our eyes. The kids can expect to jump in a castle of their own, paint their faces like their spirit animals, and watch as balloons transform into whatever their hearts desire.

TOURS from 2pm:
We will guide you through the space and the project, as well as introduce you to our friends and partners, both local and from Berlin.

FOOD from 2pm:

  • Fläming Kitchen will host a Schnippel Disko Syrian Style
  • Smokn’ Son’s BBQ a new Bad Belzig Classic
  • Moviemiento Will crepe it up and serve you some tasty adult beverages!


  • There will a few clowns around and balloons galore!
  • Jumping Castle
  • Klein Glien’s Volunteer Fire Department shows off their wonderful old-timer GDR fire truck!

MUSIC from 4pm:

ARTISANS and local initiatives:

  • Atelier Seraphin
  • DAV-Wiesenburg: Kletterwand
  • Frauenhändewerk
  • Kirchenführung
  • Margit Art
  • People meet people – Arbeitsgruppe für geflüchtete Menschen
  • Ree Mack
  • Wildnisschule Hoher Fläming

ART (on display throughout the buildings):

  • Elizabeth McTernan – USA/Berlin
  • Kuno Ebert Germany/Berlin
  • Michael Rocco Ruglio-Misurell USA/Berlin




Please note there are some disruptions to the normal train bus connections. Check the way carefully.To ease the process we have worked to set up a shuttle service for you!A big thank you to the Bad Belzig Red Cross for helping us with a shuttle service from Klein Glien to Bad Belzig Bus Station!Shuttles every hour from 1:30pm to 11:00 pm
just €1.50Bad Belzig Busbahnhof to Klein Glien
Klein Glien to Bad Belzig BusbahnhofCar:
Here is a sheet to help with Carpooling 🙂
Doesn’t matter – we’ll have a campfire outside and the fire lit inside!
We still have room for caravans, camping, and a few spaces left in our indoor creative sleeping space. Please fill in the form if you would like to stay overnight, we will send more details!

See you very soon!

Your Country Bumpkins!

Opening Party and Open House!

April 29, Klein Glien

Get a sneak peek into Coconat at our new home with the freshly renovated Gutshof Glien & beautiful park,

and celebrate with us Berlin/Brandenburg style!

What is Coconat? Coconat is a space for anyone to be inspired, concentrate, work, and play in the countryside! Come as yourself or with a small group, stay for the day or for awhile longer, to relax and get some work done.

From 2PM-11PM we will open our doors to all.


Take a tour around the rooms and property with us. It’s a great way to hear what we are planning, and to imagine yourself here. We are always open to new ideas, people, and projects joining in!

Music and Entertainment: Coconat is a place for EVERYONE. We have invited some our favorite musicians, bands, and DJs from Berlin and the Bad Belzig area to move us throughout the day and night.

Children will be delighted as well, expect balloons, clowns, and more!


Expect to be fed well. Some of Berlin’s favorite food trucks will join forces with Belziger locals, old and new, and if all goes planned even some Syrian delights!

Meet Partners and Friends:

We are inviting partners and new friends from far and wide to join us as well. Everyone can have a chance to meet exciting projects, talk with local and international businesses that feel home at Coconat, and maybe even get to try out some of their latest products!

If you would like to present yourself, let us know by 7 April, we would love to collaborate!

Overnights, but of course:

It’s a long weekend, why not stay for awhile. We have overnight possibilities to suit the style and desires of many.

Camping and indoor sleeping for everyone, as well as hotel rooms, with priority reservations given to families with young children (please get in touch right away if you would like a room, as there are a limited number!). Fill the form here.


We would love to showcase friends old and new, and have a bit of space in the programme at the moment. Be in touch by 7 April and let’s see what we can do together!

Many details to come!

As various performers, artists of gastronomic proportions, and more confirm, we will share with you all

Support us: Until the opening is still a lot to do, if you feel like supporting renovations and gardening put yourself into the list. Maybe your basement some precious treasures unused and looking for the right home, check out our list of things we still need.

See you soon!!

WIGWAM :: sommer akademie

Für Wigwam ist klar: Kommunikation kann unsere Gesellschaft zum Besseren verändern. Die Herausforderungen auf dem Weg dahin sind so vielfältig, wie die Strategien und Maßnahmen dahinter. Und oft ist auch die Kommunikation innerhalb des Teams ein Aspekt, der besser laufen könnte.

Mit dem von nun an regelmäßig stattfindenden Fortbildungsformat der sommer akademie möchten wir euch dabei unterstützen, klar kommunizieren zu lernen – sowohl als Organisation als auch im Team.

Wir bieten dir:

  • Eine 3-tägige Weiterbildung zu wesentlichen Bausteinen strategischer Kommunikation
  • 8 Trainings zu unterschiedlichen Kommunikationsthemen und -tiefen sowie ein Barcamp
  • Ein festes Team von Expert*innen vor Ort, welches dir auch abseits der Workshops für individuelle Fragen zur Verfügung steht
  • Eine Gruppe von max. 30 Teilnehmer*innen
  • Kleingruppen mit 3 bis 4 Personen für persönlichen Austausch und Praxistransfer nach den Prinzipien der Selbstorganisation
  • Abstand vom Alltag mit Coconat, um dich ganz auf dein Potential und das der Gruppe konzentrieren zu können

Du bist hier richtig, wenn:

  • Du Kommunikationsexpert*in bist oder es werden möchtest – egal ob in einer Organisation tätig oder als Selbständige*r
  • Du Faktenwissen sammeln und Methoden selbst ausprobieren willst
  • Du dich ergänzend zu Experten-Trainings auch in selbstorganisierten Kleingruppen erfahren möchtest
  • Dir angeleitete Selbstreflexion Spaß macht, du mehr darüber lernen möchtest und andere darin unterstützen willst
  • Du gerne viel draußen bist, gutes Essen schätzt und Lust hast, neue Menschen kennenzulernen


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