Things you like the most about Coconat
Just had a look at the evaluation sheets from our Summer of Pioneers and happy to share this nice word-cloud with you.
Thank you again for coming and giving us feedback!
Together, with many new and old faces of our growing community, we explored ways in which work can be more fulfilling. This was the Summer of Pioneers!
Those who joined us in our countryside retreat came with enthusiasm from their various sectors, with their different projects, alone and with teams. They gave our Beach-House indoor camping experience a try, and gave a trial run to the little worlds we created for them to be inspired and work in.
We are happy to say that the response was overwhelmingly good to what we created this year. We also received some wonderful suggestions on what could be done differently, and what areas we should focus more on.
In just four weeks Coconat had visitors from Berlin, Bonn, Hamburg, Poland, and Switzerland. We are thrilled to announce that we had visitors from Gotzerberge too. We had hoped that we would create a place of interest to local people as well, and they came with smiles on their faces.
The online and word of mouth community is over 700 strong. And we had interviews with journalists from all over the place – really! – Bali, Canada, the USA and even Germany! 😉
To sum up, our proof of concept phase was really a great success – because of all of you.
A huge thanks to all the people who not only believed in us but who actively supported in many different ways, and to all the guests who have embarked on this little workation experiment with us.
In addition to ‘regular’ Coconat guests, during the last week of the Summer of Pioneers we had friends from Moviemiento, Berlin’s traveling film festival, and L’Atelier Toupie, the great upcyclists from southern France, join us in Götzerberge.
The project ‘Récupère le Paradis’, or ‘Reclaiming Paradise’, explored the concept of paradise and its main symbol: the apple. In just 5 days upcycling workshops brought to life a mobile compost toilet and a give-box of our very own to share with our village community. We also made plenty of visits to the local apple, pear, and choke cherry trees, picking the little treasures which were happily transformed into delectable cakes, pies, and jams.
When the end of the project coincided with the end of of Coconat’s Summer of Pioneers, and Landwerk’s traditional Spätsommerfest – we thought, ‘Why not have a grand party together!?’ And that is just what we did till the wee hours.
Hard to believe, but our ‘Summer of Pioneers’ is coming to an end. Of course we will do it in style – with our partners –
Moviemiento, Landwerk, and La fee Nadou!!
Book your sleeping spot now!
Inside or camping
Hard to believe, but our ‘Summer of Pioneers’ is coming to an end. Of course we will do it in style – with our partners –
Moviemiento, Landwerk, and La fee Nadou!!
Book your sleeping spot now!
Inside or camping
Tagesprogramm (Day Programme):
*Jazz im Hof (in the coutrtyard)
*14.30h Lesung „Lob der Wildnis“, Henry David Thoreau, von Jean-Marie Dhur
*15.00h Führung durch den Show-Garten und mehr (tour of display garden and more)
*16.00h Diskussion „Maisfelder und Mastanlagen an der Mittleren Havel – Alles im Grünen Bereich?” (discussion, large scale sustainable food production)
Spielplatz (Children’s place):
*Slackline und Hulahoop
*16-17h Nistkastenbau (birdhouse making)
*Flechten und Weben mit Naturmaterialien (weaving with natural materials)
*Figuren aus Gips gießen und bemalen (sculpture)
Abendprogramm (evening programme):
*19h DJ Fog Puma
*20.30h Paradiesische Kurzfilme unter freiem Himmel – Open Air Kino(screening)
*21.30h Konzert mit PopSalopp (Live music with PopSalopp)
*DJs and dancin’
Tagesprogramm (Day Programme):
*Jazz im Hof (in the coutrtyard)
*14.30h Lesung „Lob der Wildnis“, Henry David Thoreau, von Jean-Marie Dhur
*15.00h Führung durch den Show-Garten und mehr (tour of display garden and more)
*16.00h Diskussion „Maisfelder und Mastanlagen an der Mittleren Havel – Alles im Grünen Bereich?” (discussion, large scale sustainable food production)
Spielplatz (Children’s place):
*Slackline und Hulahoop
*16-17h Nistkastenbau (birdhouse making)
*Flechten und Weben mit Naturmaterialien (weaving with natural materials)
*Figuren aus Gips gießen und bemalen (sculpture)
Abendprogramm (evening programme):
*19h DJ Fog Puma
*20.30h Paradiesische Kurzfilme unter freiem Himmel – Open Air Kino(screening)
*21.30h Konzert mit PopSalopp (Live music with PopSalopp)
*DJs and dancin’
During our next days we want the time focussing on more subtle things.
A small bungalow in the forest asks to be renewed. We shall neatly clean it, mend the roof, and place netting in the windows to keep the hungry critters out. After dusk we celebrate our new domicile with candlelight and ghost stories heard from the whispers of the trees.
On Friday we will ring in the weekend with a special event: Together with our neighbors and armed with pick and spade, we will reclaim the overgrown beach from nature. Followed by an inauguration of the new/old beach of course.
We will honor the chilly summer days and nights with campfires, yummy food, and cozy little beds for our helpers.
See you in Götzerberge, your Coconat-team