Next Stop: Countryside! How Freelancers & Coworking revive the rural areas

Millions of experienced entrepreneurs, freelancers and startups are able to work remotely at any time and any place. They can work completely location independent.
 Tools, portable devices, and accessible air travel are enabling a life with just a backpack. Nine to five and cubicles have been replaced by cloud platforms and coworking spaces. We love to share our experience, projects and valuable insights about workation and how to be able to work from the countryside. Come and talk with us!

This event’s focus is Inspiration. Event has No entrance fee and no RSVP [ Entrance fee: 0 € ] and it will be held at welance, Berlin, Germany.

How Work Works | European Creative Hubs forum in Belgrade

Coconat is very honored to be a delegate at the How Work Works – European Creative Hubs forum in Belgrade.


Press Release, and all visual elements from the organizers:
9 September 2016, Belgrade-Brussels


Nova Iskra and the consortium partners of the European Creative Hubs Network project announce a three-day international forum titled “How Work Works”, from 22 to 24 September, in Belgrade. The event will gather about 100 hub organisations from across Europe, Serbia and the region. The rich program will also host lectures from some of the leading educational organisations from the field of creativity – Fabrica from Italy and Hyper Island from Sweden.

The international forum How Work Works is part of the European Creative Hubs Network project initiated by the British Council, in which Nova Iskra participates together with partners from Greece (Bios), Spain (Factoria Cultural), Germany (betahaus), the United Kingdom (Creative Edinburgh), Belgium (EBN) and Portugal (ADDICT). More than 150 delegates, hub leaders and a number of European and regional stakeholders will come together in Belgrade, during the first of three planned fora, in order to map the European eco-system of hubs active in the fields of culture and creativity, education, and entrepreneurship, and support their networking, knowledge exchange and capacity building.

The main part of the forum program will be held on the 23rd and 24th of September at the Yugoslav Film Archives, and will showcase keynote lectures, study cases, panel discussions, networking activities and several side events. The three main sessions are dedicated to the questions of space, community and business models of creative hubs. As a part of each session, three organisations will be presented, and then take part in a short panel discussion. The program will also host a lecture by professor Jovan Čekić (Faculty of Media & Communications Belgrade), while theatre director Paul Bourne (Cambridge Business School) will guide the participants through an interactive action that explores the nature of networking, communication and creative thinking. Those present at the opening will be addressed by Michael Davenport, Ambassador of the Delegation of the EU to Serbia.

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The conference will be attended by managers of some of Europe’s leading creative hubs from more than 25 countries, including betahaus (Berlin & Sofia), Waag Society (Amsterdam), Taktal (Glasgow), Creative Edinburgh (Edinburgh), Factoria Cultural (Madrid), Sektor5 (Vienna), Todos (Lisboa), Cable Factory (Helsinki), Stpln (Malmö), The Roco (Sheffield), The Trampery (London), La Vallée (Brussels), Bios/Romantso (Athens), Republikken (Copenhagen), Poligon, Roglab (Ljubljana), MOB makerspace (Barcelona), Atölye Labs (Istanbul), The Fusebox (Brighton), Frappant (Hamburg), Design Terminal (Budapest) as well as numerous others, including all relevant local and regional initiatives.

Through its central theme and question – How work works – the forum will investigate the shifting paradigm of work as seen through the prism of creative hubs, bearing in mind that these organisations have a key role in supporting young entrepreneurs and creative people across the continent and the development of local creative industries. A special publication produced for the occasion – How Work Works: An inventory of effects – will be presented at the conference. It gathers seven critical texts dealing with the ongoing changes in the field of labour, by authors from Serbia, United Kingdom and United States, including visual contributions by the Belgrade-based artist Dušan Rajić.

The conference is closed for the public, but interested audience will have a chance to follow the soft opening of the conference on Thursday, 22 September at 7 PM at Bitef theatre. On this occasion, two lectures will be held by the representatives of Europe’s leading educational platforms from the field of creativity – Fabrica ( ) and Hyperisland (

Sam Baron, creative director of Fabrica (“the communication research centre” that was founded in 1994 by the Benetton group and housed in an impressive complex that was designed by the renowned architect Tadao Ando) will address the methodology and the number of outstanding and award-winning projects realised at this leading European centre for design. Jon Barnes from Hyperisland, on the other hand, will dedicate his lecture Organisational Evolution to the modern organisations and innovative strategies for their development and survival in the light of great social and economic changes.

The European Creative Hubs Network project is co-funded by the European Commission, while the How Work Works forum is realised with the support of Ministry of Culture and Media of Republic of Serbia and other local partners.  /

HTW students help shape our Social Business

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For sure a company like Coconat has to be economically sustainable, but money isn’t all that counts. First and foremost we understand ourselves to be  active members of society. We have received so much support from different sides and we want to give something back. Topics which are important for us, and in which we do have some expertise, include digital and entrepreneurial development in rural areas, as well as the promotion of a good work-life balance.

In our team we talk a lot about our social aims, but in the rush of the daily business of developing our company they to often gets pushed aside by ´more urgent` topics. Therefore the Coconat Team is very happy to announce our cooperation with the Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin [University of Applied Sciences]. We are very excited to work with highly motivated and professional students and to get a solid outside view on our daily work. Together, with masters students in Nonprofit-Management and Public Governance (MaNGo), we will develop a creative social entrepreneurship concept for Coconat.

Coconat hat ein neues Zuhause


Wir freuen uns, die aufregende Nachricht zu verkünden: Die Stadtverordneten von Bad Belzig haben entschieden, uns den wunderschönen Gutshof Glien zu verkaufen.

Unsere Tore öffnen ab April 2017

Der sanierte Gutshof mit großen Park samt See und die weite Landschaft ringsherum bieten alles wonach wir gesucht haben und außerdem noch viel Raum für unzählige neue kreative Ideen. Das Grundstück liegt nur eine Autostunde südwestlich von Berlin und ist auch per Zug gut zu erreichen.

Wir können es kaum erwarten, die kreative Community des Flämings und die ortsungebundenen Angestellten und Freelancer aus aller Welt, die digitalen Nomaden, die lokalen Pendler sowie die großen Träumer und Querdenker, die experimentellen Farmer, Rural Urbanists, Designer und Architekten in unserem neuen Coconat willkommen zu heißen.

Gerne wollen wir das Coconat-Projekt mit euch gemeinsam gestalten, daher sind schon 2016 sind diverse Veranstaltungen geplant. Also haltet die Augen offen!

Eure Coconats





9. – 13. MAI 2016


Coconat und unsere Freunde von Codino – Community of Digital Nomads in Barcelona heißen alle Willkommen, die zur DNX – der Digitale Nomaden Konferenz nach Berlin kommen und werden Euch in der Hauptstadt einen warmherzigen Empfang bereiten.

Und warum nicht noch ein paar Tage länger bleiben – für ein besonderes Coconat-Erlebnis auf dem Lande!
Lerne die anderen Konferenzteilnehmer kennen und tauche in die Berliner Start-Up Szene ein – in und außerhalb der Stadt.

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Natürlich gibt es auch ein Leben außerhalb der Stadt. Was Coconat ausmacht, ist die einzigartige Arbeitsatmosphäre auf dem Lande.
Lass den Konferenzwahnsinn hinter dir um mit anderen gleichgesinnten Nomaden zu entspannen und deine Arbeitinmitten idyllischer Natur zu erledigen!

Diesmal werden wir mit unseren tollen Partnern von Gut Boltenhof um euch Landleben auf Zeit bieten zu können.


  • Mehrbettzimmer – befinden sich in den Ferienhäusern, 2-4 Personen pro Zimmer und gemischte oder reine Jungen- / Mädelszimmer (Wünsche bitte im Kontaktformular angeben)
  • Private Zimmer – befinden sich in den Ferienhäusern
  • Abendessen – vegetarisches Essen aus lokalem, ökologischen Anbau das von der Küche des Boltenhof täglich frisch zubereitet wird (Fleischgelüste werden gegen Aufpreis auch gestillt)
  • 3 Mahlzeiten plus – vegetarisches Essen aus lokalem, ökologischen Anbau mit Frühstück, Mittagessen, Abendessen, Snacks und Kaffee (Fleisch und andere Getränke sind gegen Aufpreis erhältlich)
  • Nachmittagsspaziergänge – der Ökohof Gut Boltenhof liegt in einer idyllischen Landschaft in Brandenburg (Fürstenberger Seengebiet) – und wir nehmen euch gerne jeden Tag auf einen anderen Spaziergang mit.
  • Yoga – starte gestärkt in den Tag hinein. Yoga an jedem Morgen
  • Landarbeit auf dem Ökohof – Vielleicht hast Du Lust den freiwilligen Farmhelfern bei der Morgenarbeit unter die Arme zu greifen und kümmerst Dich um die Tiere oder das Obst und Gemüse.

Für weitere Informationen zum hier.


Wenn beides Coconats toll klingen:


Hier sind ein paar Eindrücke von unseren Freunden vom Gut Boltenhof:


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Official Partners for this event:



CODINO---Digital-Nomads-Barcelona (1)